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Heliconia xanthovillosa hybrid 'Gloria Grace'

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  • If you thought Heliconia xanthovillosa 'Shogun' was a rare and spectacular species to grow, imagine a xanthovillosa hybrid. This form is a mix between xanthovillosa and possibly ramonensis. The seeds of this hybrid hail from Carla Blacks garden in Panama and the cultivar name was registered by Victor Lee in Singapore. 


    This pendent has light yellow almost whitish hairy bracts with orange red tips which darken with maturity. This clumping variety is a prolific blommer whose infloresnce are three to four feet long. Only a handful of people in the world are growing this form right now. Will you be the next?  


    Inflorescence: Pendent and distichous to spiral
    Height: 10 to 15 ft
    Light: Partial shade
    Growth: Clumping

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